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The environment for the CORALL project at Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences is Creative Agency KREA. This inhouse creative agency is run by Haaga-Helia students and coaches of marketing and communication. Krea offers marketing, communications, and media planning services to company clients as course projects. Krea provides both students and client companies with a multi-disciplinary and multicultural platform for co-creation, research, development, and innovation. In close cooperation with its company clients, Krea develops innovative business solutions and new methods of continuous learning to meet the challenges and needs of the rapidly changing and internationalizing business world. Creative Agency Krea students work on hands-on company projects in self-directed teams, coached by a team of 10 teachers who are experienced educators and communications professionals. Krea has some 25 company clients and more than 250 students participating in its company projects each academic year.

One of the modules developed in the CORALL project has been pilote
d in KREA Spring School 2021, which took place completely online, and implemented in the online part of the KREA Spring School 2022, organized in a blended format builing on the feedback from 2021.

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